Note about sales: If someone expresses an interest in buying a painting displayed in the Members Online Show, PWS will contact the artist who will be given the prospective buyer’s contact information. It will be up to the individual artist to pursue and finalize the prospective sale. PWS will charge no commission if a sale is made. If a sale is made, PWS must be notified so the painting can be marked as sold on the website.
Janine Helton
"It was an honor and a privilege to select the award-winners for the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society 2025 Members Show! With over 200 entries to choose from, it was not an easy task.
"I first went through a slideshow of every single piece to get a feel for the show. Then I went back and spent more time with each piece, zooming in to assess paint application and details.
"The paintings that drew me in (emotionally) and/or kept my interest (technically) received the highest scores. I looked at composition, especially value, edges, and movement. The artist's skill and handling of the medium was important, but I think what separated the top five awards from the rest of the paintings was the careful planning that most certainly took place before the artists even put paint to paper.
"Congratulations to all the award-winners! And thank you to all of the artists who contributed to this beautiful and varied exhibition. Keep painting what you love!"
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