Registration: Begins mid-January 2025 at
Members registration opens Jan. 15, 2025, and Non-members registration opens on Jan. 30, 2025
Fee: PWS Members – $350.00, Non-members – $400.00
Workshop fees include snacks and lunch each day
Location: Hummelstown Fire Hall 249 East Main Street Hummelstown, PA 17036

Shelley Prior, CSPWC, NFWS, DVSA, CFS.
Shelley’s passion for nature is evident in much of her work, but she also enjoys painting portraits, landscapes, and still life. Shelley has taught watercolor throughout Ontario, across Canada and the US for more than 20 years. Shelley has a strong social media presence (Shelley Prior Fine Art - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & Reddit). Her work has been seen in many juried shows and has won local and international awards in addition to publications in both magazines and video lessons. She is a member of OAS, FASM, BFAA, ECOAA, NWS, CSPWC, DVSA, NFWS and CFS.
Light is such a crucial part of Shelley's work, allowing the creation of realistic-looking form, luminosity and atmosphere. White subjects are especially interesting as they reflect many colors from their surroundings, creating glowing shadows that can be wonderfully recreated in watercolor.
Shelly Prior’s contacts are Shelley Prior Fine Art - YouTube