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  • Online Members Show 2025


Each year, the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society provides an opportunity for its members to showcase their work online. Members have a chance to sell their work and to compete for 15 cash prize awards.


January 13, 2025 - Open for submissions
February 17, 2025 - Deadline for entries at 11:59 EST
Week of February 24-28, 2025 - Award notifications (via email)
March 1, 2025 - Members Show posted on the website. Show will remain active on the PWS website indefinitely. Your artwork may be entered in other shows at the same time as our show since this is considered a “showcase” and will remain up indefinitely.


There will be 15 Awards given:

  • 1st Place - $500
  • 2nd Place - $400
  • 3rd Place - $300
  • 4th Place - $200
  • 5th Place - $100
  • 10 Honorable Mentions - $75 each


All work must be original paintings, hand created, entirely the work of the entrant, and free from any copyright infringement. Works must be watermedia paintings on natural or synthetic paper, no canvas. Your source material must be your own design or your own photograph. No class or workshop paintings.

Entries must have been completed within the past 3 years (Jan. 2022) and NOT previously accepted in any PWS Exhibition, including the online PWS Members Show.


The entry fee is $10 per artist, for a maximum of two paintings.


Entrants must be a PWS regular, signature, or life member with 2025 dues paid. To check your membership standing, you may log into the website and click on your profile in the upper right corner.


Take the best photo of your painting – cropped to show ONLY the painting without mat or frame.
File Type: JPEG or JPG only.
File Dimensions: Size your JPEG or JPG to be at least 1200 pixels on the longest side.
File Size: Max 5 MB.


Submit artwork via (CaFÉ)

If this is your first time using CaFÉ, click Artist Sign Up and complete the free registration form. Registration is required to apply to a call for entry.

Existing CaFÉ users proceed to Login, and apply to a call for entry. If you do not remember your password, use the forgot password link.

Complete the next steps to submit:

  1.  In My Portfolio. Upload your painting images.
  2. Apply to Calls. Search calls for Pennsylvania Watercolor Society 2025 Members Show.
  3. Complete application and checkout.
  4. Pay online. Credit Card, PayPal, or a check made payable to Pennsylvania Watercolor Society may be sent to: PA Watercolor Society c/o Pam Wenger, 12 E. Greenhouse Rd., Dillsburg, PA 17019


Paintings may be for sale or not for sale. If someone expresses an interest in buying a painting displayed in the Members Online Show, PWS will contact the artist who will be given the prospective buyer’s contact information. It will be up to the individual artist to pursue and finalize the prospective sale. PWS will charge no commission if a sale is made. If a sale is made, PWS must be notified so the painting can be marked as sold on the website.


If you have questions, contact: Pam Wenger at 

JUROR OF AWARDS - Janine Helton

Janine Helton is a watercolor artist who has been recognized in watercolor competitions locally, nationally and internationally. Since childhood she has enjoyed hands-on creative pursuits, but it wasn't until the fall of 2009 that she began taking watercolor lessons with a local artist in her hometown of St. Charles, Missouri. Janine has since taken workshops from nationally-known artists including Carl Purcell, Janet Rogers, Fealing Lin and Ted Nuttall. She now paints daily in her home studio.

Janine is a Best of Missouri Hands Juried Artist, a Saint Louis Watercolor Society Signature Member as well as a Signature Member of Women in Watercolor, the Southern Watercolor Society, Watercolor West, the Northwest Watercolor Society, the San Diego Watercolor Society, the Missouri Watercolor Society, the Illinois Watercolor Society, the Michigan Water Color Society, and the Georgia Watercolor Society.

Artist Statement: Beginning with a loose and expressive underpainting, I work in many transparent layers, considering shapes, color, and value. I slowly add details with more precision until I am satisfied that I've captured the essence of the subject, the expression on a person's face, the moment in time. Watercolor painting for me is challenging, relaxing and exciting all at once. I enjoy experimenting with techniques and colors as I continue learning and growing as an artist.

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